
Re: 2 spools?

Greetings Again List members!

> > >> Could I tie the ends of two wire spools together and wind it as a
> > >secondary
> > >> or must the wire all be one piece?

    Personnaly, I wouldn't reccomend it, as seen in other replies. See

> We are not talking about performance loss here. That is not an issue.
> Potential voltage break through spots however are! ....

Yeah, I made my first coil with a really thin wire (#29 I think) that kept
breaking as I wound it. In the end I ended up with 6 or 7 different segments
tied together. The coil was a simple experiment and was not built very well
besides this anyway. When I ran the coil  I got good 4-5" streamers for a
few seconds, then wham! flashover and arc to primary from one of the tie
points. I sprayed the secondary with a whole bunch of insulative wax -
stuff, varnish, and wrapped it in seran wrap to try to prevent this from
happening again... guess what... after a few seconds of operation flames
started crawling up the secondary. These flashpoints are deadly! It takes
very little to cause an arc to break out where you don't want it to. Perhaps
a really good corona dope over a smooth joint... not worth the effort in my

Troy Peterson [VE7SOK]