
Re: Non-tech Question

Hi Ted,

On 15 May 00, at 11:36, Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Ted Rosenberg" <Ted.Rosenberg@radioshack.com> 
> To All Coilers... 

> But I really want to know why... 
> If it were not for the Hangman's House I do not think I would ever really 
> want to build a coil. 
> But there are those of you who not only start with a coil capable of 6 inch 
> streamers and keep building more and more until 10 footers or more are 
> attainable. As a challenge, I recognize that. 
> People build cars to go faster. Athletes are always trying to better a 
> record. 
> But, what real purpose does a coil have other than to scare someone or 
> worse, injure or kill or merely light fluorescent tubes? 
> Once someone has achieved that 10 foot arc...what becomes of the coil once 
> it's power has been shared with all either in person or on the web? 
> This may sound like blasphemy. But this posting is truly a desire to 
> understand something of the philosophy of the coiler that so far has 
> escaped me. 
> The truth is out there and I want to believe...someone once said. 
> Help me to understand. And I will thank you all. 

Speaking for myself, I first indulged out of curiosity after reading 
about the "mysterious" sparks as a boy. Then I became deeply 
interested in finding out exactly what was going on and why. Now 
90% of my coiling consists of taking measurements and thinking 
about things. The kids down the road lost interest in a lone figure 
sitting out in a dingy garage surrounded by measuring instruments
and an object of reverence sitting in the middle of the floor. These 
days, I sometimes slap a coil together and invite the neighbours in 
for a dose of ozone. Too many other interests.
