
Water arc discharge

Tesla coilers may not understand that bigger arcs are
not always better! I have now succeded in producing
high frequency effects over water as a discharge. I 
am fairly convinced that other high frequency
techniques will not be able to replicate water
discharges like this. The actual higher vibration used
the glass as the return path  but for more powerful
discharges more widely spaced in time the foil is
connected to the water but seemingly circumvented from
arcing by a magnetic field from large ceramic magnets
where the glass discharge process is placed. The 
higher the BPS, the more continual the vibration. 
This a shot of a very low vibration producing a violet
pulse of greater energy. This makes great noise like a
tesla primary popping, but more of a  violet.  This
was before the vibration settled down to a steady
state, which does not always occur on turn on.The
subject of vibration vs energy transfer has been
addressed at the messageboard with quotes of Tesla
taken from a 1994 Corum TCBA article, at which time I
was a supporting member.

picture is linked to the previous icon at bottom of
Sincerely HDN

Binary Resonant Systemhttp://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb124201

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