
Re: Non-tech Question


	What kind of terminals does this use?  Is the secondary (coil of fine
wire) resonant?  Don't think so, from the way you described.  Certainly
were references to theraputic uses of Tesla coils in the old literature,
but most of the usage was probably fraulent or mistaken.  As for Tesla's
high voltage work, sparks were a result of it but not his main interest,
which was use of resonant transformers to achieve high voltage to be
used in his scheme for wireless power transmission. Anyhow, in my
opinion at least "if it ain't resonant it ain't Tesla".


Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Dale Hall" <Dale.Hall@trw.com>
> Hi Ed,
> RE: (2): (but not diathermy)
> I had (have pieces) a medical device, Hyfrecator (sp?), that indeed was a
> mini TC.
> used for, maybe, Shock therapy ?
> (or maybe you won't consider this a TC cause objective was't to produce
> but a shock current w/ potential enough to break down any skin resistance?)
> Spark Gap, heavy solid enameled wire helical continuously moveable Primary
> over a finer wire Secondary.
> (to vary "shock" intensity I believe)
> Regards, Dale