
Re: Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission


	I agree with your hope, but am convinced it will never be realized. 
I'm afraid you have summarized the matter precisely; there has been an
immense amount of work on low-frequency transmission from Tesla's time
to the present, and no evidence that low-loss transmission is possible. 
The man described his ideas and equipment pretty clearly in his patents,
so some "true believer" should duplicate his scheme and demonstrate it
to us all.  When he does he'll get rich and you and I will look like
fools.  I'm not a bit concerned about that.


Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: DickHamly@aol.com
> I would like to hope that Tesla had discovered some sort of unusual, low
> frequency electromagnetic wave propagation that could transmit power with
> little loss.   Unfortunately, I would imagine that with our many years
> experience in high powered, ultra low frequency radio which transmits
> through, to some extent, the earth and oceans to our strategic submarines
> all over the world, we would have discovered any funny things going on if
> they were really there.
> Dick