
Re: Urgent- GFP or ???

Greetings Ted and Coilers In Need Of NSTs,

----- Original Message -----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 6:58 PM
Subject: Urgent- GFP or ???

> Original Poster: "Ted Rosenberg" <Ted.Rosenberg@radioshack.com>
> Hi there...
> Need help..urgently.
> About to order my 15KV 60mA NST. An Allanson. new. Good price for new.
> But I just learned it has built in Ground Fault Protection.
> Is this going to cause big problems?
> or is it just a UL thing. I recall a discussion about GF circuits but I
> recall if the collective answer was Yea or Nay.
> Help...real quick. dealer is holding off shipping until I get back to him.
> Concerned in Cowtown
> Ted R

>From what I have learned on this list asking the same question
I would lean toward the Allanson 499FS for 15kv@60ma, as
opposed to the 499B that has the ground fault proctection.
The 499FS does not have the ground fault protection built in.

I am guessing but if you were to get a primary strike, or a
safety gap firing, then the ground fault protection would trigger.

Of course the 499B would help to prevent accidently death though.
But I know you are going to be very safe, go with the 499FS just
to be sure.  Marvin at wensco sign supply (http://www.wensco.com)
should be able to get it for you shipped for about $150.

I have also gotten 9kv@30ma franceformers for $50 shipped.
I am starting to want a third one. :-) Before plugging the 15kv@60ma
Allanson in.  By the way these are all brand new NSTs.

Bill Parn