
Re: Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission ==> was Re: Non-techQuestion

Hi Dan,
Tesla disregarded the ionosphere (or Heavyside Layer as it was called then)
and so he would not have contemplated the lithosphere-ionosphere wave guide
theory later developed by Schumann.
The use of the upper atmosphere as a conductor originates from his
experimental work that showed that HV/HF current conducted better in a low
pressure gases than along a metallic conductor. However, in the end he opted
for Earth current conduction, where the isotropic capacity merely acted as an
electromagnetic spring to store and return energy.

I have to say I am surprised how there are so many open minded people on this
discussion group, regarding the wireless TX of Pwr. I would be interested to
know how many people on this group who believe in Tesla's theories of
wireless transmission have a real good background in coiling. The reason I
ask is because many of the people who appear to be really clude-up on coil
theory, find the wireless transmission of electrical power to much of an
outrageous theory.

Kind regards,

Gavin, U.K.

Tesla List wrote:

> What I want to know is, did he plan to use these resonant ground currents
> in the earth AND excite the ionisphere (or the Schuman cavity as wer call
> it today)?
> Dan
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