
Re: sonotube coil

Hi Alan (comments below), 
> Original Poster: ajones@pointlink.net 
> I'm just getting started on the capacitance. Still have enough caps 
> for two more .01uF mmcs and five more of the Fair Radio caps. Gonna 
> add 'em one at a time and see. The break is supposed to be 120bps, but 
> not really sure. I don't have a wattmeter yet, so just use va rating.

Yes, that's all I can do as well at this point in time. Meters are mounted on
control panel. Voltage is felt across the V-adjust variac and current felt
before the I-ballast. I do have a power meter schematic that claims to measure
true nonreactive power up to 1kw. For our coils, the circuit would need to be
modified. I never go around to building it, but you are anyone else is welcome
to it (I could scan and send). 

> I'm going to look for one at some hamfests next month. How big is your 
> toroid? Mine is so wide and bulky, it's hard to handle getting it on 
> top of the coil. I'm going to try and smooth it out some more. Wasn't 
> expecting multiple streamers when I built this one.

I use whatever for a toroid. Sometimes a dual-stack and sometimes a single
toroid. The run I previously described was using a 6.6" x 25" (center-to-center
measurements) made of alluminum flex tube. It's very light weight. The surface
however is not smooth and contributes to early breakout. I have a very smooth
sphere which I play to try next. It's 18" diameter. I may need to add some Ctop
here and there to get it into tuning range. 

> What is your input power, by the way?

Hard to tell accurately, but I was pulling about 20 amps at 150VAC input with
little fluctuation on the current meter (memory only - I may be off a little -
I didn't write it down). It's somewhere around 3kva, but with reactive power,
who knows. It's probably time to build that power meter. 

Take care, 

> Later, 
> Alan 
> _____________________________ 
> ajones@pointlink.net 
> ICQ #21057220