

Hi Eden,

Welcome to the world of coiling in the UK!

As you're just starting out there is very little advice I can give on
specific coil item etc..  The first things you need to think about are as

1)    How much space do you have to run a coil in?  They are loud and
anti-social, requiring either a remote location, an enclosed area (e.g. a
garage) or really easy-going neighbours.

2)  How much money are you prepared to spend?

3)    Research.  Check out the web sites on the Tesla Web Ring
(http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=TeslaRing&list)  to get an
overall idea of what you want to build.

You have to decide on some basic parameters.  Size your coil to your
available space.  It's too easy to make a large coil but have nowhere to run
it, that's one of our current problems!

Money will also limit the size of a coil and so will the availability of the
power supply transformer.  Power levels up to a few kilowatts can be readily
achieved with off the shelf items and will give output spark lengths of 3 to
8 feet.

Hope this helps.  Feel free to ask any more questions.

Steve Bell (Swindon, UK)

----- Original Message -----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 6:17 PM

> Original Poster: "Andrews, Eden" <Eden.Andrews@cwcom.co.uk>
> Folks,
> As I'm a "new kid on the block" as far as coiling is concerned and intend
> get started on the construction of a small device in due course, I would
> appreciate all comments and advice as to the way forward i.e. prices,
> stockists, materials, diagrams and constructional details etc. If anyone
> help with this request, I would be more than glad to hear from them. My
> location is in southern England and my preferred e-mail address should you
> wish to use it  is:- eden_r_andrews@hotmail.com.
> Thanking you in anticipation,
> Regards,
> Eden.
> Eden Andrews
> Senior Engineer
> Development & Test Centre
> Cable & Wireless Communications
> Bracknell
> *Office                  Comnet  60 3131
> *Office External   +44 (0) 1344 713131
> *Fax                  Comnet  60 3113
> *Fax External   +44 (0) 1344 713113
> * Mobile
> *Pager
> *E-Mail                   eden.andrews@cwcom.co.uk
> 1
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