
RE: Cabinet

Noted the photo and it looks good...for control of something far more powerful
than my modest coil. 
I am using a static gap (Scot linear) so no rotary motor. My 2 muffin fans for
cooling will be 12VDC with 0-12DC supply.

One variac external for the main supply. 
BTW, the coil is only 15KV/60 with a 6x24 secondary. 
One idea was suggested for safety... 
I plan a computer type AC socket on one cabinet panel. A computer type power
cord will run from that socket to the variac.

To ensure that no unauthorized idiot connects a cord when I am not there, the
AC outlet will have a locking cover like used on a thermostat in public

Red indicators are there only as a reminder that power is on...should not
sparks be breaking out. It is not there as a "safety" like on a gun.

Thanks to those who replied. It all helps. 

Ted R. 

Subject: Re: Cabinet 

Original Poster: "Powdermnky007" <Powdermnky007@hotmail.com> 

If I were you, i would try not to mount them onto the body of the cabinet. 
Run a few wires and mount them along with variacs, volt meters etc. on a 
wooden board 
so you can adjust the coil from a safe distance. 

Below text came from author of picture: 

ES1:  This is a partial picture of my control "board". 



Lower left is two variacs which I run in series to control the speed of the 
rotary gap motor.  One is set to limit the maximum rpm and the other is used 
to bring the speed up slowly.  Above these are the 60 cycle supple lines 
going out to the coil.  One is for the rotary gap motor, the other is for 
fan motors on the rotary and the static gap used in series. 

The heavy powerstat variac is in the center bottom - used to contro the 
voltage to the pole pig.  Above that is the ammeter and voltmeter to monitor 
the pole pig primary.  Above that you can see the primary feed lines going 
to the pole pig. 

To the right, are the 60 cycle line filters and some home made toroid 
used in series with the 60 cylce ground connection. 

Upper right is the plug for the welder (used to limit pole pig primary 
current) and the plug for the resistive bank (oven elements) used in 
parallel with the welder primary also to control the pole pig primary current.