
Re: Optimal toroid elevation

Jeff and Terry,

I am (very intermittently) working on a C++ version of E-Tesla5.1.  I intend to
include this in the program.  Unfortunately, I ran into a couple of big
(it's quite difficult to use a quick, efficient, variably sized 2D array/matrix
in C++, among a few others), and temporarily lost interest.  Since my fiance is
going to Spain next month (leaves Sunday) to study abroad (without me :-(  ),
I'll probably get bored with Half-life and TV, and start working on it again.

I don't need to do much work at this point to get a version like Terry's out,
but I'm trying to add the grayscale (maybe even colors :-) output, and also a
non "Ctrl-C" break.

I just thought I'd let  both of you know.  I'll make a post to the TCML
when I'm
ready for some beta testers.


BTW, C++ is supposed to be considerably faster than BASIC, tho I can't recite
benchmarks, nor compare E-Tesla 5.1 to TeslaEField (my version).

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Jeff W. Parisse" <jparisse@teslacoil.com>
> Terry,
> Someone on this list put together an .exe called Fieldplotter that takes
> the output tables from E-Tesla 5 and converts the data table into a
> grayscale .bmp "photo" of the field stresses surrounding the input
> coil.
> This data converter (or data visualization tool) was an AMAZING
> aid in "seeing" the e-field of a prospective coil.
> However, Fieldplotter is/was very buggy and does not work with
> E-Tesla 5.1.
> What's it gonna take to reinvent Fieldplotter until it's a reliable
> software tool? I believe this type of program (one that takes
> E-Tesla 5.1 data and creates .bmp file representing that data)
> is very important in the evolution of advanced software
> modeling of Tesla coils.
> My programming days are long gone (cobol, fortran, etc.) but
> I still want to see this project developed. If anybody is interested
> and if Terry approves of this "add-on" approach to his program,
> I'd like to spearhead the development (even if it means money).
> Jeff Parisse
> > For my coils, I used E-Tesla5 to plot the E-fields around my coil.  I then
> > looked at these fields and the stresses involved to try and determine a
> > "smooth and happy" field pattern around the coil and the terminal.