
Re: Secondary Idea

In a message dated 5/27/2000 1:13:18 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
tesla@pupman.com writes:

<< That's an interesting thought...what *would* happen if you had 2
 secondaries, one slightly larger than the first, and both wound so
 they've got the same res. freq....I'd imagine stopping the
 flashovers inside the secondaries would be hard...(maybe slip-fit
 plexi donuts on the inner secondary that slip fit inside the outer
 secondary? (teritary?!?) Run both bottoms to RF ground, run both
 tops to the toroid (need more topload I assume)...I don't think
 flashovers from one secondary to the other would be a
 problem...they should be around the same potential at the same
 elevation...would they be in phase?  Oh man..this has opened a
 whole can 'o worms :)  What kind of interference would they cause
 to each other?  Time to dig out Wintesla and some wire...
 Hmm....Sounds kooky enough to try!! >>

My idea, though, was mainly to attach the top of the outer coil to the bottom 
of the inner coil.  Whenever the top of the two coils are positive, the top 
of the outer coil would be attracted to the bottom of the (negative) inner 
coil; and likewise, when the tops are negative the bottoms are positive. 
Therefore, It'd be like having the coils stacked on top of each other, rather 
than having two secondaries which would induce currents in each other that 
could cancel out a great deal of the energy.  This way, when the 
electrmagnetic lines in one coil grow, because the secondaries are hooked up 
oppositely, they will raise the power in the other coil, which will develope 
it's own lines that then benefit the other secondary, and back and forth.  
Once the power is cut and the lines shrink, then the energy will cancel 
itself out and get rid of some of the static that secondaries, despite being 
turned off, contain.  Also, the polarities of the two secondaries, if hooked 
up the way you mentioned, would repel each other when they meet at the 
toroid, and this would get rid of some more of the energy.  If you are 
confused about what I'm talking about, ask me for a schematic.