
Re: Better bottle caps

First of all, no where near as powerful as TNT.  Not
to mention that fact that flash powder is considered a
low order explosive, as it has to have some level of
containment to create shock force, where as TNT is
high order, and doesn't requre this.  Also, the
ingrediant you refer to, there are meany, not just
one.  Any good, pure oxidizer will work.  (if you know
what one is, good for you, if not,  I guess no flash
powder for you)

--- Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> wrote:
> Original Poster: "Metlicka Marc"
> <mystuffs@orwell.net> 
> yes al. powder has a very high energy potential. in
> fact it is one of
> the main ingredients in flash powder. i'm not shure
> i would want to add
> high v and high fre. current to it in the presence
> of oxygen. 1/4 oz
> mixed with the right ingreadient(i will not go into
> this for fear of
> accidents) is equal to one stick of tnt.
> please be careful, iron powder would be a better
> trial setup.

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