
Re: Fiberglass Secondary Coil Form Idea

In a message dated 5/28/2000 10:03:02 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 
tesla@pupman.com writes:

> Original Poster: "Richard Kircher" <richard.kircher@worldnet.att.net> 
>   All,  It would seem that a fiberglass secondary coil form made from
>  fiberglass cloth and resin over a form such as cardboard or PVC would be
>  ideal.  Two layers of fiberglass cloth over a temporary cardboard or PVC
>  form should be strong enough.  The cardboard form could be removed by
>  soaking in water to dissolve it out and the PVC could be covered with wax
>  paper no avoid sticking so it could be removed.  The result could be sanded
>  or turned smooth.  Has anybody tried this or know of a problem with this
>  method?    Dick
Seems like a lot more work than just buying a pvc or sonotube form.  Also, I 
don't know just how much it might affect performance, but glass, as a 
dielectric medium, has a high dissipation factor at radio frequencies so it 
might degrade the performance of your coil.
My two cents,