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Re: Tungsten

Ted, all,

You are quite right, and so it should be.

However, you probably agree that now and then, someone posts advice that
is based on speculation and hearsay. This has been the case, whenever
Tungsten was the topic, so that I felt that it was time to erase the
mythical need for fancy cutting aids when machining tungsten.

Like I said before, tungsten metal can be cut with a hacksaw, easily .-)

Cheers, Finn Hammer

Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Ted Rosenberg" <Ted.Rosenberg@radioshack.com>
> Finn:
> As I have said before (with a smile) get 10 coilers together, ask one
> question and you get 12 answers. And probably all 12 are right.
> I have seen posts that say that using a hacksaw takes muscle, time
> and...more time. Yet you find it no trouble. Today, I received mail from
> Scott Hanson who cautioned that the thoriated version was not as good as
> pure tungsten. And that the pure variaty was OK as is.
> I guess the best approach is to try what you think will work and if it does,
> wonderful. If not, try something else. Like building a tank cap for $10 <big
> smile>.
> I will surely post the results of my electrode operation. Any bets folks?
> Safety...and Goggles
> Ted