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Neon Tube Sourcings?

 Out of the 5 bulbs purchased this year, 4 are broke,
and the remaining argon does not convey the large
disharges to ground found with the neons. I formerly
purchased bulbs from Phoenix Sign Co in Akron Ohio.
They seem to be out of business. Another Co seems to
have give me a run around. Nobody wants to ship bulbs
UPS anyways. The neons respond to series resonant
midpoint potentials differently from small florescents
possibly due to the bulbs more instantaneous
resistance drops after ignition, giving a quenching
effect that makes the bulb blink. In the experiments
with the alternator rpms it wound be nice to have
small 4 to 5 inch neons, as it would seem to be
possible to coordinate the blinks to the frequency.
Has anyone ever found a neon bulb source over the
internet? Would appreciate any info.

Binary Resonant Systemhttp://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb124201

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