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Re: My new coil!

Hi Terry

If  my memory is good there is no tesla coil there a marx generator , a voltage
multiplier , and some 60 Hz transfo ( 1.? MV ). For the alimentation the have a
line of 735 KV comings from the James bay. I'll put a PDF document ( small
description of one of there lab ) on the web.

Here is the address:

Luc Benard

Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
> Hi Luc,
> At 10:55 PM 11/12/2000 -0500, you wrote:
> >Hi all
> >
> >This lab is at 10 minutes from home, my job permitted me to visit it  a
> >of time, but that a shame the provincial and federal government cut big part
> >of the subvention and the lab need to close many department . Example: they
> >have a Tokamac ( small fusion experimental reactor ) this department is
> >totally close.
> >
> >A bit out of subject excuse me but I'm really angry about it !!!
> >
> >Luc Benard
> Well...  At least your country still has a government! ;-)))
> If they aren't using the lab, maybe you could run you coil there on week
> ends!  :-))  Wow!  what a neat place to play in!!
> But on the serious side...  Do you know if that is really a Tesla coil or a
> voltage divider on steroids?  It does not seem to have all the guts needed
> for a coil but looks like a giant voltage probe to me.?.?.
> Cheers,
>         Terry