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moderator note.

Hi All,

	Just a quick reminder...

1.	Please try and snip off unneeded text from responses that is no longer
needed.  This keeps posts from growing to giant sizes.  Although, try not
to snip off too much ;-))

2.	Short one-line responses should be avoided and responses that are really
only meaningful to one person should be sent directly rather than to the
whole list.

3.	The Tesla lists does not send file attachments of any type.  This
preserves bandwidth and protects against virus problems.  Best to post
attachments on you own page or offer to send it directly to interested
people.  I can also post it to hot-streamer.com but it may get delayed
since I have to manually put it there.

4.	As always, only subjects dealing directly with Tesla coiling are accepted.

5.	If you post an http:\\... address, it is best to put it out on its own
line so that people can easily click on it.  Also, use spaces to make text
easily readable.

Things are real calm these days but if we get up into the 50, 75, 100!
posts per day again this winter, this stuff is super important. 

