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Re: tesla troubles

If the rest of your system is good, swc's alone won't
stop it from working.  I'm running a big swcat the
moment, and my system works fine.  Try putting more
salt in.

--- Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com> wrote:
> Original poster: "Michael Deegan"
> <mdeegan@mediaone.net> 
> Hey all again,
> I have my primary tapped at turn 14 out of 15...
> even adjusting it up to
> 1/2 a turn either way will not give me a much larger
> spark length
> (somewhere around 1/16").
> Some have suggested my saltwater caps are to
> blame... Does the salinity
> of the cap matter? Cuz i dont think i put enough in
> mixing it, and the
> surface is covered with oil. Any information on the
> possibility of a
> EMMC? I went back to my small toroid again, no 
> different results.
> Sorry, but no ones help is to any avail so far...

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