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Re: water spark gaps

--- Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com> wrote:
> Original poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
> Hi All,
> 	Has anyone ever experimented with water spark gaps?
>  If so, did you run
> into any big problems? 
> Cheers,
> 	Terry
> I have now downloaded a 2 meg mpeg file with
sound(This is very Loud) showing the direct surface
water area method of using an arc gap  between the
dual large induction coil Binary Resonant System,
where each coil produces relatively opposite voltage
rises by 60 hz series resonance. This can be found at
driveway.com at using teslafy as member name and
gefeveqy as password under 440 BRS water Arc file.
This system is totally different from that of a tesla
primary, but nevertheless it produces about about a
12,000 volt potential difference between the
electrodes,with a 440 volt input and also some violet
ball discharge effects as also shown on the web page
Amazingly this arcing does not actually throw the
coils into high freq, but only puts a ripple on the 60
hz sine wave as shown on the web page. The BRS is an
example of a self quenching voltage source. If we were
to place the voltage potentials from each voltage rise
closely together the arc will quickly form and
extinguish in coordination with the frequency at
either 60 or 120 BPS, in which case the coils DO go
into a high frequency. In the mpeg the bright violet
flashes are about a ~150 ma amperage consumption
measured on the 440 line for only ~70 watt input.

What makes this low wattage input possible is the fact
that the needle just over the surface of the water and
the opposite potential contained as an aluminum foil
immersed in the side of the glass of water also
contains that surface area of the water as a potential
short path. The needle is just far away across the
other potential from allowing these more powerful arcs
from occuring.  There is also a counterbalance to keep
this from occuring because the other polarity
connected to the immersed aluminum foil also has an
electrical connection to a metal plate the glass of
water is placed on, thus it also has a capacitive
pathway through the water and the glass. This pathway
is evident when the larger violet arcing goes out, a
much smaller arc directly striking the water can be
seen and heard. This BRS at 440 volt input will
produce a  loud white lightening bolt 2/3 inch between
needles in a large air gap without water, but it
undoubtably is not good for the transformer, as this
has also caused arcing to occur on rf chokes placed
there to prevent damage. 

In the case here the arc gap was made to exhibit the
most electrical energy per practical time period. Of
course we have a tremendous energy if white
lightenings are made instead, but these take a
comparatively longer time period to appear and
reappear. If the aluminum foil is removed the
resistance the BRS sees as a  midpoint load goes up,
and then the electrical pathway connection between the
oppositely phased series resonances will be much
higher resistance, in which the capacitive pathway
made by a small needle to water surface area to bottom
plate is then exclusively made. This results in higher
amperage input, theoretically a slightly higher
voltage input to the water arc gap, but less a
spectacular electrical display, but also very much
more continuous dischargings producing very high BPS
rates. This arc gap is actually a very small
air/needle(conducting element)/water/glass capacity
made with the top plate as the inner Camel cigarette
metal foil. It is not good to touch the pack, as
displacement currents can be felt through the
cellophane. I have also added a 4x6x1 inch cermaic
magnet which the whole device from the metal plate up
sits on. These magnets will easily draw arcing in some
circumstances and I have also been  severely shocked
by the magnets themselves only capacitively coupled to
high BPS electrical vibrations from  only the wall
voltage driven BRS, but in this case the correct
electrical pathway is already established. The magnet
was used to possibly exert a sideways deflection force
on any possible arcing to the immersed aluminum foil
plate via Lorentz law, and in possible magnetic
quenching schemes where here there is a magnetic field
instead parallel to the initial arc to water.  

For a tesla coil primary arc gap, I would first try
two needles slightly above water to see if the arc
will strike the water as I have been able to produce,
but it would seem a long electrical pathway, possibly
even across surface areas of water might not be a good
spark gap. The immersed foil /water/air gap/ 
needleterminal/ magnetic quenching might be a good
combination, but again then it would probably always
strike the foil. Perhaps there is a way to vastly
increase the capacity of the water arc gap  device
itself so as to assume part of the capacity used in
the tank circuit? A lot of ideas about water arc gaps
can be kicked around, they worked for me and also
gasoline too! However I dont think I tried gasoline
using both electrodes then, only the bottom plate

I have also adapted the binary resonant idea to 3
phase using a  AC 3 phase converted automobile
alternator, where I might use water arc gaps in that
experimentation. The idea is basically the same, make
series resonances as delta loads, but only obtain 1.73
 the total voltage rise instead of twice across any
two midpoints. I have used a  low resistance large
induction coil system to increase the voltage from 19
volts from the alternator to around 300 volts to these
larger  higher 1000 ohm 56 Henry high induction coils.
At 188 hz the voltage rise attained by these coils
will be much higher than 60 hz. But I have run out of
caps for now to provide the voltages for these 3 huge
coils. It gets a little harder when every component
must be produced 3 times.  When this is completed I
will add yet another final stage between the large
coil midpoints, this will hopefully produce some high
voltage  larger air discharges that are more familiar
to tesla coilers!

Sincerely Tinkering Away HDN

Binary Resonant System  http://members3.boardhost.com/teslafy/

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