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RE: optimal TC size and other things

My coil uses a 15/60 NST and I have run with both 4x23 #22 and 6x28 #22
secondaries.  I have not yet noted a performance difference (both ~60")
between the two secondaries, but I feel the longer 6" secondary will
ultimately permit better performance by virtue of its greater strike
distance from the primary.  I plan on a new 6" secondary with #26 wire to
allow me to use a much higher inductance primary, and it looks like you are
also planning on high primary L.  It's unclear if the secondary losses due
to thinner wire are significant but I strongly believe that the lower gap
losses from the use of high primary L's are.

Bolt heads may be used for the main spark gap.  I strongly suggest putting
considerable air flow through it.  Don't worry about corona over the
threads, as long as there is nothing to arc to near the threads.  For safety
gaps bolts are fine and no airflow is needed.  The bolt heads need to be
smooth, preferably without corners, like carriage bolts.

I used to use a .01uf cap with my 15/60 but found that a .02uF gave MUCH
better results.

When using two toroids, it's not as simple as adding their capacitance's.
The only way to determine the final result is to either try it and measure
it, or use the E-Tesla5 program on Terry's web site: to calculate the total
capacitance given the physical parameters of your coil and toroids.

I think a 4x13" toroid, while it will work, may be smaller than optimum for
your coil.  I use a 4.5 x 15.5 and a 6x23 toroid and I believe that's still
not enough as I still get multiple streamers.  However, if your coil's
performance is not as strong as mine due to gap, capacitor, or black magic
differences, then a toroid the same size as mine may be too large for yours.

Regards, Gary Lau
Waltham, MA USA

Original poster: "Alex Madsen" <alexmadsen@netzero.net> 

Hi all,
These should be the last set before the TC is completed! J short answere are
ok you dont have to write an esay.
1) Is it OK to use bolts for spark gaps, particularly safety gaps so it can
easily be adjusted, or will the threads cause coronas?

2) I still am not sure what size secondary form to use. My power supply is a
15/60 NTS with a .01 UF mmc. I have 2 choices, a) 6.25 d. Sonna tube
secondary wound with 1100 turns of 24 awg magnet wire and about 19 turn 85
ft ¼ in primary. Or b) 4.25 d. pvc secondary with 1400 turns of 26 awg and a
17 turn 55 ft ¼ in primary.

Which would do you think would give the best performance? Keeping in mind
that the 6.25 will be a bet more upgradeable but will have a huge primary
and less secondary turns which may have much more loss.

3) Also for a small tours below the main one do you just add the

4) Do you think a 13-4 tours is a good size for my coil.

Thank you for all you time.

Alex Madsen

qp Mad Max qp

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