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Re: can anyone tell me where to find refrigirator tubing?

     Almost any home repair shop should stock it.  Go to a Home Depot, 
     Lowe's, Builder's Square, or the like and seek out the plumbing 
     department.  Usually, it's packaged in flat, square cardboad boxes 
     with a hole in the middle.  Lengths ranging from 5' to 50' can be had.
     The packaged tubing will be in one or more flat spirals.  Capitalize 
     on the manner in which it is stored when you wind your primary.  Very 
     little bending of the tubing should be necessary.  One good technique 
     for winding is to place your coilform on the floor, and the openned 
     package to tubing on a low table (such as a coffee table).  Gently 
     unwind the tubing from the package as you go, rotating the tubing 
     package and your coilform as needed.

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: can anyone tell me where to find refrigirator tubing?
Author:  "Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com> at INTERNET
Date:    10/4/00 7:45 AM

Original poster: "marzie" <marzie@hotpop.com> 
can anyone tell me where to find refrigirator tubing because i have no idea at 
all where to find any at all