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RE: LTR cap for NST farm...Shtuff!

Hi all...

   *pant* *pant* *pant*   Tons got done last night.  I made my primary
supports from 1/4 polycarbonate, and mounted them on the primary table.
Wound 2 spools (100' total) of 1/4" tubing on that, securing with zipties.
Once I got done, and stepped back to look at it, the first thing I thought
was, "Gee, no way I could have made that!  It's too pretty!"   But I did,
and it turned out great :)  Got the rotor for the 120bps sync gap done, and
will be grinding my 6 flats on the motor I picked up.  6 electrodes on a
1200 rpm motor.  It'll look funny, but should work great once done.  On the
primary, I got room for an extra 100`+ of tubing, depending on hom much more
inductance I want in the secondary. (or how tiny of a cap I want to run at
some insane breakrate!)  To join the tubing, I cheated.  I cut it with a
tubing cutter, then ran a 10x32 tap into the ends to be connected. Cut a 1"
length of 10x32 brass rod (threaded) and simply screwed the two rolls
together.  The joint is super-clean and tight, though I'm going to solder it
up tonight for good measure.  Neat, eh?

  Tonight I solder up the extra MMC for LTR operation, and I should
hopefully have time to make a control panel of some sort. During testing,
I'll start with 35nf, and then add the other cap and retune, then compare.
Simple does it, just a switch for the rotary, a momentary for the
contactors, and indicator lights.

  Last night : made primary (~20 turns of 1/4" tubing, 100' of the shtuff!)
               Made rotor for sync gap.
  	         sliced myself up on the polycarbonate.  Stuff puts Ginsu knives
to shame!
	         Used ~130 zipties on the primary.

     Assemble electrodes in the rotor and true up the rotor (slight wobble)
     grind flats and check motor
     mount & sync the gap
     solder up the 9 more strings of 11 caps....man..that's a lot 'o
     secondary endcaps and mounting
     control panel

Sooooo.....saturday I'll tinker and tune.
  and come Sunday.....*cue evil laugh* My plan to take over the wor...uh,
wait, no, that's next week..*this* sunday I'll be aiming for 5+ footers. if
I can get 1 strike to the ground, I'll be pleased!
ps, i got a better camera now, and promise to have pics, barring eckards
messin 'em up again!

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 5:37 PM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: LTR cap for NST farm...Shtuff!

Original poster: "sundog" <sundog@timeship.net>

 Hi All,

   I just ran a number through Terry's MMCCalc, and the results were a bit,
um, mot "discouraging" but more of "geez, that's a lot of capacitiors!"
  I'm running a 12kv150ma NST farm, and MMCCalc gives me ~82-90nF for the
LTR cap.  That's one massive cap!!!  Right now I'm running 35nf (7 strings
of 11) on it.  A sync rotary is in the works, and I wanted to try a good
setup to aim for high efficiency.