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RE: My Tesla picture looks like a nebula in space. Odd starfield effect!

Isn't that NCC-1701 crossing the barrier on the left side of the hole in
the middle??

(Wonderful picture!!)


> ----------
> From: 	Tesla list[SMTP:tesla@pupman.com]
> Sent: 	Sunday, October 08, 2000 1:02 PM
> To: 	tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: 	My Tesla picture looks like a nebula in space. Odd
> starfield effect!
> Original poster: "Garry F." <garryfre@pacbell.net> 
> I took a pic of the tesla coil operating with the cap from Terry after
> I
> figured out how to prevent the camera from flashing.
> It ended up looking like a ring of sparks in a starfield possibly
> because the
> individual photocells of the digital camera may have been stimulated
> by static
> in the air.
> At any rate, THIS IS ONE AWESOME PIC!!