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Re: I am Dr. Megavolt

Original poster: "Paul Mathus" <pmathus@learningco.com> 

> Just got back from Burning Man and had a great time!  We put on our 
> biggest Dr. Megavolt show yet, with two simultaneously firing 25KW 
> coils and two Faraday suits on top of a moving truck.  When both coils 
> were going at once with a performer in the suit it was very, very 
> impressive.

Any specs on the two new coils to share?   Are the two coils 
coupled together in anti-phase, or are they discrete systems?
Do either of the new coils actually produce 1,ooo,ooo volts,
or is he still Dr. Kilovolt?  <grin>  
Yes, getting a good earth ground out on a gypsum playa can be 
tricky, at best.  Even trickier is your act with the suits!
Did you run the other suit, by chance?
