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RE: Re^2: Vortex gap loss measurements

Andreas -

A test facility for Tesla coils is an ambious project. Dozens of coilers
have done this in the past and we still do not know enough about the losses
and energy transfers to come up with overall efficiencies. That is only a
start. There are over three dozen important TC parameters to consider.
However, stick with the simple classical TC circuit and don't get bogged
down with complications like DC supplies. We will all be interested in
hearing about your progress. Good luck.

John Couture


-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2000 11:40 AM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re^2: Vortex gap loss measurements

Original poster: "Andreas Marshall" <marand@t-online.de>

I am working on a simple method to get at least a
qualitative method to find losses in L, C, spark gap,
energy transfer to the secondary etc.
Give me one or two weeks to find equations and build
a test facility.

To your question:
Nearly right, but on the other hand:
Voltage drop is current multiplied by resistance.
resistance is !!not!! constant, neither time-invariant.
On the other hand, a spark gap in pulse duty does not
have the property to keep voltage drop constant.
Within one gap bang, current rises, charge carrier were
created, electrodes got heated, ions were wandering
through space...

Hope I can say more after having tested this matter a bit.

