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Re:Re: M.M.C.

Hi Al,

	I assume you have a DOS/Windows computer.  Just type "MMCCALC" and it
should go.  It will ask a few question sand show something like:

MMC Calculator  Ver. 2.1  2/19/2000  Terry Fritz
Transformer voltage =  15000 
Transformer current =  .06 
Firing voltage =  21213.15 
Fo =  100000 
Break rate =  120 
Cap value =  5.6E-08 
Strings  Caps/Str  Capacitance  Voltage   Temp C    Cost
  1        2         28.00         3200   192.83    2.90  :-((  :-(( 
  2        4         28.00         6400    48.21   11.60  :-((  :-(( 
  3        6         28.00         9600    21.43   26.10  :-((  :-(( 
  4        8         28.00        12800    12.05   46.40  :-((  :-|  
  5       10         28.00        16000     7.71   72.50  :-((  :-)  
  6       12         28.00        19200     5.36  104.40  :-|   :-)  
  7       14         28.00        22400     3.94  142.10  :-))  :-)) 
  8       16         28.00        25600     3.01  185.60  :-))  :-)) 
  8       17         26.35        27200     2.67  197.20  :-))  :-)) 
  9       18         28.00        28800     2.38  234.90  :-))  :-)) 
  9       19         26.53        30400     2.14  247.95  :-))  :-)) 
 10       20         28.00        32000     1.93  290.00  :-))  :-)) 

The underlined capacitor configuration is the preferred one.  7 strings of
14 caps in this example.  The "smiley faces" indicate how good it is.



At 07:49 PM 9/7/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Terry.  I downloaded your Mmccalc.bas-notepad, version 2.1 circa
>2-19-2000, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use it.  It
>looks great when I opened it but I do not understand how to use it.  That
>is why I sent you as many of my coil parameters as I could.  The
>calculations befuddle me!  Math was never my ball of wax!  Thanks, Al.
>On Wed, 06 Sep 2000 13:28:58 -0600 "Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com>
>> Original poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
>> Hi Al,
>> 	I need to know some details:
>> What frequency does you coil run at?  Poly caps heat more at higher
>> frequencies so they have to be sized to the frequency if one is 
>> trying to
>> be really careful.
>> What type of gap do you have.  The RMS current is directly 
>> propartional to
>> the firing rate.  I assume the firing voltage is about 21kV.
>> If you know the values of cap you want that helps ;-))
>> There is a simple BASIC DOS program below that can do the 
>> calculations for
>> you too:
>> http://users.better.org/tfritz/site/programs/MMCCALC2.ZIP
>> The numbers change a bit depending on the exact type, value, and
>> manufacturer of cap you use.  I use ones from DigiKey which I know 
>> well,
>> but there are all kinds of great caps. 
>> Check the links in these posts out and let me know the data about 
>> your coil
>> and we can work the numbers.  If the voltage peak is within the DC 
>> rating
>> and the RMS current does not heat them more than 5C, they will last
>> thousands of hours...
>> At 11:40 AM 9/6/00 -0400, you wrote:
>> >Hi Terry and all.  Terry, what kind of polypropylene caps would you
>> >recommend for a coil using two paralleled 15kv@60ma modified neons 
>> that
>> >could sustain a minimum of a 60 minute run?  They draw 16 amps at 
>> full
>> >output but limited by 4500w 240v water tank elements.   At full 
>> blast
>> >with no resistive load they will pop a 20 amp breaker after about 
>> 10 to
>> >15 minutes, I guess from the heating effect on the 20a. line.  So I 
>> run
>> >them on a separate 30a. 10 ga. 120v. line to get sustained runs.    
>> >Thank you  Al.
>> >