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RE: Oscilloscope recommendation


The 466 is a great scope and works good for coiling. I picked mine up at the
TRW Swapmeet for $325.00 and it included a 1-year warranty. 

The newer DSO's put any analog storage scope to shame (and will save you
from getting a hernia). If I had the $'s I'd go straight to the DSO. You
won't be disappointed.

That's my free advice (and we all know what that's worth).

Brian B.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 10:47 AM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: Oscilliscope recommendation

Original poster: "Robert E. Loeb" <loeb@kuentos.guam.net> 

I have heard a Tektronix 466 works perfectly for this kind of work.
I have a used one I could sell you for about 650.

Good Luck

On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: "Jon Rosenstiel" <jonr@pacbell.net> 
> Hello esteemed coilers,
> I have a background in electronics, (Ham radio in high school, radar in
> military and so on), but since that time I have not worked in the
> electronics industry and therefore am pretty much out of the electronics
> loop. I still enjoy electronics as a hobby, (Tesla coils, HV experiments,
> simple projects, repairing things, etc).
> I am somewhat familiar with the operation of a scope, (I still have an old
> Heathkit that I use from time to time).  I have tried to use the Heathkit
> scope my coil, but the results were not very good. It seems pretty hard to
> watch the scope while the sparks are flying! I see quite a few references
> storage scopes on this list, sounds like something that may help me scope
> coil.
> Now for the question: Keeping the above in mind, what are your
> recommendations for a decent scope that I could use to further my
> about the operation of my coil? I really would like know more about the
> quenching. Earlier today I looked in one of my many electronic catalogues
> and saw some scopes that went for $4500.00!! Holy cow! Hopefully I could
> find a used scope for a lot less!
> Regards,
> Jon