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Re: Oh boy, I get to do 50 pound 5 gallon bucket caps

Have you tried using MMCs for your caps. Here is Terry Fritz page on them it
will give you an overview  of MMCs.
http://users.better.org/tfritz/site/MMCinfo/MMC.html. you could also email
acmnovak@msn.com and see if he has any leftover caps from his bulk buy.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 9:45 PM
Subject: Oh boy, I get to do 50 pound 5 gallon bucket caps

> Original poster: "Garry Freemyer" <Garry@NDFC.com>
> The last thing I wanted to do was to have to put caps in huge buckets and
> connect them to my coil but it appears that after weeks and weeks of
> caps, I have no choice but to go to bottle caps in huge 5 gallon buckets
> that's what it takes. I cannot afford the ones on EBAY, I try to bid on
> tesla stuff there and I get outbid by a particular person there that seems
> to be rolling in the dough.
> I am going to use beer bottle caps in huge buckets, I hate it but I have
> choice but does anyone know what the approximate capacitance of a beer
> bottle cap??
> I did manage to get two 20kv 500 mmfd transmitting doorknob caps but I was
> pretty dissapointed in the output and they got hot very fast. It was a
> run anyway. I figured I needed about 6 more to make a decent safe string
> maybe I will save them for a tubed coil.
> At least there is some good news. I managed to ressurrect my 9/30 NST by
> unpotting it. Instructions said to soak it for 3 days, well since I was
> trying to desolve the block and save the case (I was successful), I soaked
> it for a month!!
> One big wad of tar was stuck to the bottom and when I pulled it out it
> streached and exposed about 20 hair thin wires on one of the secondary
> windings and exposed and streached about 4 wires on the other. I figured
> was hosed but miracle of miracles, NO WIRES WERE BROKEN!!
> So, I slipped a piece of 12mm poly under the streached windings and
> slathered it all with silicone seal and let it cure for three days.
> Then lastnight I connected some #29 wire to the thin wire and tested for
> continuity and slathered more globs of silicone seal to hold it and did a
> test run this morning It's A.L.I.V.E!!! I can't believe it!!
> What a nightmare unpotting is!!
> Hmm, after reading again about the party caps, I think I might try those.
> Any suggestions?
