
Re: Rotary gap gaps, LDPE vs. HDPE

There is no maximum separation!  I run a very microscopic separation 
.020"!  This is very dangerous unless your rotary is very stable and has 
very fine machining.  I would imagine that .060" to .200 would be the 
norm depending on what you wanted from the system.  Close separation 
allows for series quencher gaps.  Too wide and opening forces all your 
energy to be dissapated in the electrodes of the rotary and can actually 
cause flaming.  It is a matter of trial and error.  You should always 
make the electrodes so that they can be varied of a fairly wide range.


Well, to split hairs, there is indeed a maximum separation.  I imagine that 
you have never had more than a 5" distance between the rotary and stationary
electrodes. :-)

The question 
is really about the range of adjustment of the rotary gap.  I guess I'll 
just screw in the stationary electrode holders as far as they go, and make
the gap in such a way that they will just collide with the moving electrodes
when adjusted to the extreme close point.

Therefore, the range of adjustment is from 0" to about 2" on each side.
