
Re: SERIOUS QUESTION and why we may be out of this hobby!

Tesla List wrote:
> Subscriber: knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net Sun Jan  5 20:41:14 1997
> Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 22:21:18 -0600
> From: Kevin <knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: SERIOUS QUESTION and why we may be out of this hobby!
> Well, I contacted a friend at a TV station and he advised me that the FCC
> says (NEW LAW) that tesla coils,plasma balls, and similar devices fall under
> this new law and if you are caught operating them could face serious fines.
> Information unlimited also says that plasma balls will no longer be sold due
> to this law, what is going on here????????????????????????????????????
> I asked him about shielding my coil so the neighbors would not complain
> about phones being knocked out, the TV and computers going crazzzzy and
> stereo speakers buzzing. All these are things my neighbors are complaining
> about to ME at this time, he says there was a nightclub in CA that was shut
> down and fined due to a tesla coil and plasma balls operating there. Can
> this be true? The way he is talking they can see my coil operating on a
> spectrum analizer at their office and can tell where it is comming from,
> this is crazy! Or is he crazy???
> Could anyone please let me know the official laws or law pertaining to
> spark-gap devices and or tesla devices, and also what about the ban on sales
> of plasma balls?
> Look at information unlimited's web site about the plasma issue.
> Very much thanks

Can't say that *I* have heard anything about it. I checked I-U's page
(amazing1-dot-com) and couldn't find the material you mentioned. In all
honesty, the FCC can't do a damn thing if the coil (or plasma globe)
doesn't emit any RF. (ie: run in a Faraday cage)

I am reminded of the 'glory' days of CB radios when all the yahoos
went and attached hundred-watt '10-meter' amplifiers to their rigs.
Even *then* the government's RF police didn't do much. Another case
in point is us ham guys. If a ham is creating interference, the FCC
usually tells the person to talk to the *suspected* ham about it. It
really takes an act of God to get the guys in the sunglasses and
suits to come knocking on your door.

Bottom line is I really don't think that the Fed's are gonna go
door to door looking for Tesla coils. If you operate the coil in
a 'clean' manner -- proper grounding and such -- you probably will
never have a problem.

Just my 2 cents worth.

- Brent

BTW - you can always say that you are being environmentally concious
(sp?) and doing your part to replenish the ozone layer...