
RE: Short circuit/Control Panel - 220 V relay coils

Subject:  RE: Short circuit/Control Panel - 220 V relay coils
  Date:   Sat, 7 Jun 97 06:19:21 UT
  From:   "William Noble" <William_B_Noble-at-msn-dot-com>
    To:   "Tesla List" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>

just a comment - a coil rated 220 VAC will work fine if you build a
bridge rectifier and give it 110 DC - add a capacitor (filter) of 20 to
microfarads to keep the coil from buzzing and to give it a bit more

snip  -----
. Be aware that most of
the contactors out there are using 220 volt relay coils. If that is
all you can find (and you need a 110 type), then get a 110 to 220
volt transformer to power the coil. The contacts can be used for
either 110 or 220.