

From:  Terry Leonard [SMTP:terry-at-cruzio-dot-com]
Sent:  Sunday, March 22, 1998 3:27 PM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Cc:  Terry Leonard
Subject:  (no subject)

Hi all,
      Greg Leyh's "Electrum" coil continues to amaze one and all.  After
several visits now, I'm still thrilled to see the giant coil in action.
Greg has the coil working quite well now, unlike the time we witnessed
the rotor spew broken parts!
      El Nino has temporarily stopped its rage on California and blessed
us with some good coil weather.  Last night's coil demonstration was
well attended.  Police and guards were busy directing traffic and
parking.   By more than one account, the evening crowd was estimated at
600 visitors.
         After safety procedures and with interlocks secure, a warning
was announced to all. The crowd backed away from the coil.  The alarm
then sounded followed by the rotor startup.  The rotor sounds like a
propeller plane winding up for takeoff.  Greg hits the high voltage,
streamers and branching arcs burst out, attacking the night sky.  The
crowd cheers and yells out in jubilation.  The mighty coil is alive!
All eyes fix upward as a thick white winding streamer oozes forth from
the 7 foot spherical electrode.  Many viewers cover their ears.  The
white hot flashing arcs extend their reach striking out violently into
the ether.  Continuous branches and forking burst out to distances of 30
feet or more.  The lightning is truly mesmerizing.  Greg turns off the
high voltage, the crowd applauds, and the rotor winds down.  The giant
is resting.
       I believe the coil is running at approximately 2/3 power now and
is limited by the mains, (post a correction, if I'm wrong here, Greg).
There has been some top electrode arcing back to the secondary which
Greg has already posted about.
     Greg and friends now perform a most amazing feat (do not attempt
this at home). They take turns standing in the top electrode.  The
chosen "victim",  soon to be a member of the 2 million volt club, climbs
the rope ladder, passing through the primary and secondary, to
stand within the top electrode high above the crowd.  A prayer is said
(just kidding), and after a safety check, the coil fires long streamers
from the occupied top electrode!  No one has been hurt yet!  The faraday
shield effect works.
       Friday night I had the pleasure of meeting more nice people at
the site including Eric Orr, the "Electrum" project collaborating artist
and architect, Bill Wysock, D.C. Cox, and Jeffrey Mullin to name a few.
Listening to Greg Leyh and P. Butterfield, along with sharing coil
experiences with the spectators, has been most rewarding.
     Visit Greg Leyh's "Lighting On Demand" web site to see photos and
read more about this incredible project at   www.lod-dot-org
       Hoping to meet more of you at Greg's coil.  Hooray for Eric,
Greg, and their "Electrum".  Tesla would be proud.
       Terry Leonard

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Always remember you are unique, like everybody else!
Terry Leonard <terry-at-cruzio-dot-com>
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