
Re: Gap voltages AC vs. DC

From: 	Gomez[SMTP:gomez-at-netherworld-dot-com]
Reply To: 	gomez-at-netherworld-dot-com
Sent: 	Saturday, January 03, 1998 3:55 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Gap voltages AC vs. DC

D.C. Cox wrote:

> to: Adam
> Did the machine bolts have only a 180 degree circular area?  If so, the
> sharper edges would disrupt the electric field and skeer the results.
> Even in the spark jumps over the rounded area the electric field can be
> modified by the sharp edges within 3-4 (ball) diameters and give you
> bad
> readings.  Try a true sphere is possible and the results should be closer.
> DR.RESONANCE-at-next-wave-dot-net

Absolutely. Also, even the material the spheres are made from (ie, brass 
vs. aluminum vs. iron and its alloys) makes a difference in precision 
measurements, as they have different emissivity.  Then there are the 
issues of temperature (warmer air breaks down earlier, warmer spheres 
emit more electrons), pressure, humidity, etc, all of which have to be 
controlled if you want to collect meaningful data.

Oh yes, and if there is any current at all behind your source, every spark 
will leave a tiny mark on the sphere, possibly causing a divot that will 
emit more than a perfectly smooth sphere. This is why Ross Engineering 
sells precision measurement spark gaps with optional carbon spheres.  
(no, they ain't cheap)


Gomez: card-carrying mad scientist, extreme fetishist, fiction dabbler, 
pyrophiliac, technomage, goth, SF fan, lighting designer, dominant 
pervert, and juggler of labels... http://www-dot-netherworld-dot-com/~gomez