
Re: Magnifiers: how to?

Tesla List wrote:

> snip
> - In practice, how primary and secondary should be built to achieve the
> high coupling coefficient needed? Wound on the same support, one on the
> other or how?
> - I have been told time ago that, for the same power, a magnifier will
> develop almost the same voltage than a 2 coil TC. But let's put it this
> way: if I build a magnifier almost same size of a 2 coil TC, will I be able
> to pump it with more power and, therefore, develop a higher voltage?
> At least Tesla writes about the benefit of having the "extra" coil
> impedance not seen at the primary for it is not magnetically coupled with
> it.

 Tesla was right.  The #1 benefit of the magnifier is the ability to have more
power poured into it, and the physical  isolation of the output end from the
input end, whatever that may be and at what ever real coupling that might be.
Until you have built one and honed its operation in to a synergistic system,
all else is so much theoretical machinations.

They make use of all the artifices discovered to work well with two coil
systems, only amplify their value many fold.  The best magnifiers are higher
power systems (over 2KW) that are relatively small in size.  Table top
magnifiers are tough to make work well.  Under 5 KW, I can and have made a two
coil system which can perform similarly to an equivalent power magnifier.  Our
group has been pretty much exclusively magnifiers, since 1992.

Richard Hull, TCBOR