

Hi all,Im sure you all know me and my anoying questions about coils but I 
finally got my coil to work!It only puts out about 6 inch sparks and is loud 
as ____!Can anyone help me increase the spark output?Here are the specs so 
far------3by15inch secondary wound on a cardboard mailing tube wound with 
24awg wire.690 turns and sealed with many coats of polyurathane.----The 
primary is a flat spiral wound on a birch wood board.It is 1/4 inch copper 
tubing and is 11 turns.It is secured with many tie wraps tied over the 
tubeing where normal supports would go.---the capacitor is 3 1liter wine 
bottle salts.------the spark gap is only two bolts screwed in a pvc 
pipe.(need a new kind as it now is melted!)-----and finaly the power supply 
is a 9000 volt30ma nst and no protection.The toplaod is a small ,very small 
homemade one made from 2 plastic throwaway bowls.