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Re: new single 833A VTTC and OZONE

Original poster: David Speck <dave-at-davidspeckmd-dot-org> 

Sorry, but my patients breathe pure oxygen every week during their 
surgeries.  We have to be careful to avoid ignition sources around 
patients' faces specifically because of the ease with which ordinary 
materials ignite in a pure O2 atmosphere.

All the US manned space capsules had a pure O2 atmosphere until the famous 
and tragic fire of Apollo 1 on the pad.  Because of the extreme hazards of 
a pure O2 atmosphere, extensive redesign of the US space capsules was 
required before further flights in the apollo program.


>I'm curious George.  One cannot possibly breathe in an environment comprised
>of pure oxygen.
>How is it that you can smell this then?