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Re: [TCML] Primary Capacitance Calculations - "Black Boxes"

Hi Tom,

Some folks will confidently use Newton's Laws of Motion and even Calculus without having first read their derivations in his "Principia", in the original Latin, and some won't.
The "guts" of the JAVATC program are available to those who wish to research the subject. Check in the archives for the origins. Sometimes the black box isn't in the program. To paraphrase a Haiku from a former classmate of mine:

Light above my head
Calculus beneath my eyes
Darkness in between...


Matt D.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Schmit <Thomas.Schmit@xxxxxxx>
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Mon, Apr 12, 2010 4:06 pm
Subject: RE: [TCML] Primary Capacitance Calculations - "Black Boxes"

No ... it is a black box because I don't know the algorithm it uses, nor do I 
now how this algorithm was derived. All I know is that I plug in values and it 
pits out values - this is what we call a "black box". I'm not saying they are 
ecessarily wrong, I just don't know how they work.

lease elaborate on "good physics". A Gaussian distribution is merely a 
tatistical argument and is not "good physics". Good physics starts with first 


.s. Thanks everyone for the advice. Still "mulling" things over in my head...
From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx on behalf of DC Cox
ent: Mon 4/12/2010 8:12 PM
o: Tesla Coil Mailing List
ubject: Re: [TCML] Primary Capacitance Calculations

Use JAVATC.  It's not black box, but based on solid equations based on good
hysics (Gaussian distributions, etc.)
Enter the data required in the transformer section and it will provide your
xact xmfr impedances.  It will also give you a good cap value and pri turns
With this size xmfr either a .06 uF 80 kV or 0.1 uF 80 kV cap will work very
ell.  For most medium size coils driven by pole xmfr, with spark output in
he 6-8 ft range, I would go with the .06 uF size cap.  For coils running
0-15 kVA, with spark output in the 10-15 ft range, the 0.1 uF size will
ork best.
Be sure to use a large coil dia, in the 16" to 20" range for optimum
erformance from a pole xmfr powered coil.
Dr. Resonance

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