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Re: [TCML] Is my 10" Tesla Coil Illegal ?

Sounds like a big coincidence to me. None of those systems should be effected by your coil directly. Both your magnetic field and electric field will drop off. The energy density is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. It would require a very large coil to cover a 4 block radius to measure any substantial reading. Now feedback into mains, thats a different story. You need to be filtering your AC mains, not so much for the sake of your neighbors, but for you and all your electronics in you house. TV, Computer, etc they're all at risk each time you run your coil. The sound from the coil might set off a nearby car alarm (as my truck does) but not a house alarm. Third generation garage doors operate in the 300-400 MHz range way above your coils operating freq. New garage doors encode and decode messages too unlike the first generation which only required a RF signal. If you really think its causing all these problems then down size of get yourself a big faraday cage. Maybe try a few more tests to see if you get the same results. See if you can get some consistent data. I really wouldn't be too concerned though. Everyone on this list obviously operates a tesla coil. Some safer than others, and its still the "Tesla list", not the how to open your neighbors garage or set off their house alarm list.

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