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Re: van de graaff tube (fwd)

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Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 17:00:25 -0600
From: Dr. Resonance <resonance@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: van de graaff tube (fwd)

We make belts to size for VDGRF generators.

It is a teflon based material that provides excellent charge transfer.

Contact me off list if interested.

You can use standard pillow blocks for good performance.  Get the type that
can be greased but don't overdue it as the grease on a belt forms a perfect
conductor for HV.

Dr. Resonance

> >
> > "Clearly, one should use the largest pulleys one can, so as to achieve
> > the greatest belt surface speed for a given RPM.  ABEC 6 roller
> > bearings should give fairly low noise.  One might also try polished
> > stainless rod running in a Teflon block."
> >
> > If pulley driving speed is an option, for any given inner diameter of
> > the column there must be an optimum pulley diameter / belt width
> > tradeoff.  Widest belt means smallest pulley diameter and maximum shaft
> > speed for given belt speed while largest pulley diameter means
> > narrowest
> > belt.
> That is true.
> > Would the teflon block really be OK with any significant belt tension?
> True, it does.  I was assuming low pressure.  I guess it would depend
> on the belt tension.  Define "significant".  :)  With a paper belt,
> tension could be rather high.  With a rubber belt, tension would not
> seem to be an issue.
> > The darn stuff does cold flow.  Wonder how nylon would work?
> Nylon or Nylatron (graphite impregnated nylon bearing stock) would work
> great.
>   - Gomez
> ........................................................................
> .....
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