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Re: Hv probe for lifter project (fwd)

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Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 14:07:21 -0500
From: Dr. Resonance <resonance@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Hv probe for lifter project (fwd)

We also have in stock some 9 kV HV resistors, various values, 500K, 50 meg,
100 meg.  Four in series should work for a HV probe to a microAmmeter.  Use
5 in series 1N4007 and connect with 5 more 1N4007 in series in antiparallel
confirguration across the uA meter in case of failure it will provide a 8-10
VDC ground path for the current.

Dr. Resonance

> >
> > In regards to my last post about my lifter project, i am getting a
> > large flyback from Dr. Res and a tripler, so i am set for power
> > supplies. But, Now i am going to need a HV probe. I have a 10' x.5"
> > piece of PVC pipe around my house, and if i put a bolt in one end, and
> > one in the other, and fill it with water, will that be enough
> > resistance for a HV probe? If not, what other liquid (that is commonly
> > available) could i use to give me enough resistance?