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Re: VanDe GraaffGenerator Yahoo's group (fwd)

Original poster: <sroys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 08:33:22 +1030
From: Matthew Smith <matt@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: VanDe GraaffGenerator Yahoo's group  (fwd)

> Dr Lyonel Baum wrote:
>   Hi , 
>   just take a look on http://photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/vandegraaffgenerator/
>    ( If you don't know this good group )

Steve "Mr Moderator" Roys commented:
> [The yahoo link isn't working for me.  SRR]

I've tested this out and the link only works unless you are a) a member 
of the group and b) signed into Yahoo.

For those interested, the group lives at:

There are some interesting pictures there, including details of roller 
assemblies, etc., which may be helpful to (potential) constructors.

An impassioned plea to all - if you are going to post links to this or 
any other list/forum that are not available to the general public (i.e.: 
require sign-in and/or membership), PLEASE include a note to that effect 
in your posting; this can cause much frustration otherwise.  (The worst 
I've seen are URI's which are a Windows path to files on the poster's 
own computer!)



Matthew Smith
Kadina Business Consultancy
South Australia