
Re: Shielded rooms, faraday cages, etc.

If it is one the older 850 MHz phones, the foil probably did the trick
since the old phones do not have the super sensitivity (-80dB).
Apparently, the door of microwaves with all the little holes in it is
fairly leaky.  Of course, it also depends on how far away the transmitter
is and other typical radio things too.



At 10:15 PM 04/14/2000 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Terri, Jim, All,
>How would you explain the fact that surrounding the cell phone with Al foil
>completely will do the trick? (try it out, it's probably in the kitchen,
>watch the wife though) Without the Al shielding I had a S4 signal.
>I'am pretty convinsed that Cu would be better to use than Al for shielding,
>but how is it to explain that the copper ball does not shield enough? I
>didn't have massive copper enough, but I tried very narrow copper mess
>(copper 'rings' found in microwave tubes)without any result! The signal
>stay'd S4. Was the copper ball massive, Terry?
>Maybe my phone is not that sensitive as Jim suggests. I have a Nokia 3110
>for about three years now.
>I'am very glad with the answers, because I had already bought chicken mess
>to use as RF shielding in my garage and I was afraid it would'nt help a bit.
>Well even when it does not work out for the RF radiation, it shure will keep
>the HV ware it belongs...
>Greetings from MOTting Holland,
