
Fr. Tom's Variable Parallel Gap.

Since there have been a couple of mentions of this design
recently I have loaded a file called VPGAP1.PDF onto my

The is a two page drawing of the basics of my Variable
Parallel Gap design. You will nedd the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
to view the drawings.

The drawings should be enough to get the basic idea.
The part shown is the carrier and the copper pipes.
These should be mounted onto a wooden box that has
a vacuum motor attached such that air is sucked INTO
the box and out the back or side of the box. In other
words this is also a vacuum operated gap, as I find
this greatly improves the action of the spark gap.
Do not use some wimpy muffin fan. I used the vacuum
motor from an old vacuum cleaner.

The Variable Parallel Gap is based on the principle
of the parallelogram in which opposite sides always
remain parallel. The device can be equipped with
an insulating handle and bolted down so that you 
can adjust the gap spacing while it is running
(if you are the adventuresome type!)

I hope that some of you find the information useful
and interesting.

Fr. Tom McGahee

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Date: Monday, April 17, 2000 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: RQ gaps

>Original Poster: sdate-at-gte-dot-net 
>Fr. Tom came up with a unique adjustable gap a couple of years ago. 
>Maybe he would refresh us with a short description???
>Steve Date - Seattle
>> Original Poster: "Jochen Kronjaeger" 
>> Does anybody have an idea for a RQ type gap in a different formation?