
Re: HV diodes

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Herwig Roscher" <herwig.roscher-at-gmx.de>
> Hi coilers!
> I'm about building a CW-VTTC, driven by a dc supply, and I've
> acquired some HV diodes therefore.
> They are black, can be stacked, have got the shape of a spherical
> cap, about 2" in dia and are labelled 'CSx or CS&  CDB 7.5 Made
> in USA'.
> Other diodes are labelled 'HVCA HDB 7.5'.
> I assume(!) that these diodes will withstand 7.5 kVrms but would
> like to download the correct data of course.
> Could anyone please help me?
> Regards
> Herwig


Nice catch! You have a "Hi-Bel" style HV rectifier from High Voltage
Component Associates (HVCA). The particular ones you've got are rated at
7500 repetitive peak inverse volts, 1.4A forward current, with 6.6 volts
max forward voltage drop and a surge current rating of 150 amps. This
means that each diode can withstand about 5300 VRMS. However, you can
easily stack these to withstand higher voltage needs. 

You can find more information about these, and lots of other HV
parts/assemblies at their website:

Safe coilin' to you, Herwig!

-- Bert --
Bert Hickman
Stoneridge Engineering

Bert Hickman
Stoneridge Engineering