
Re: Propagation velocity in long helical coils.

Hi Terry, Bob,

On 15 May 00, at 19:16, Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>
> Hi Bob,
> 	Sorry about not getting back to you on all this.  With the holiday, list
> problems, work....  I just didn't get to it.
> I guess the equation you found for Fo from your May 10th post is:
> Fo = 1 / (4 x SQRT (L x C))

Thanks for posting that. I lost it along with other valuable material in 
a server hiccup.
> Where C is the "true" capcitance of the coil with the top and bottom
> shorted (no resonance).  Is this correct?  I will set up a ground plane and
> try to do this test in a large room to get an accurate true C measurment.
> I am still doing some left over poly cap work tonight but I'll try this on
> my two well known coils ASAP!

Mulling over that makes me wonder:

- True Cself for the coil is higher than Medhurst's supposed value. 

- The recipe approach to determine 1/4 wave Fr is 
1/(2PI.SQRT(LC)) where C is Medhurst's Cself. Correct?  (well it 
always works).  

PI seems to be missing from Bob's formula. Should it be?  The 
formula in the form given would give Fr lower than when the coil is 
1/4 wave connected since the denominator is smaller. (Well 
*maybe* it isn't if C (true C) is considerably larger than Medhurst's 
C).   I would have expected a 1/2 wave type resonant mode with Fr 
considerably higher than the 1/4 wave mode with the ends shorted. 
In fact I would expect that it is greater than 2Fr (1/4 wave) because 
no end capacitance effects are present.
      Have I got this right or am I missing something?  OK - I'll check 
it on a coil this evening and derive C from the formula and measured 
