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Re: Input power

Original poster: "by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <FutureT-at-aol-dot-com>

In a message dated 8/31/01 12:53:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
tesla-at-pupman-dot-com writes:

> Does increasing the power supply to the tesla coil i.e. from 15kv 30ma to
>  a 15kv90ma and changing nothing else increase spark length or the
>  frequency that they occur?
>  I think that it will increase the frequency that they occur because the
>  capacitor will charge faster thus discharge at a higher frequency, but
>  the power the capacitor outputs is the same.
>  Is this true or false?


You are correct if you're using a static spark gap.  The breakrate
will increase when more power is available, but each capacitor
discharge will remain the same.... the bang size will be the same,
but there will be a greater power throughput, and longer sparks,
as a result of the higher breakrate.  Sparks get longer due to
either a larger bang size, or a higher breakrate, or both.

>  My Terminology may be incorrect due to me NOT being an electrical
>  engineer, if anyone that wants to answer but needs me to specify
>  something let me know.

If you're using a rotary gap with a fixed breakrate, the voltage
may go higher depending on the capacitor value, etc.

John Freau

>  Peace,
>  Ry