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Re: strange ligthning lamp

Original poster: John <fireba8104-at-yahoo-dot-com> 

I forgot what they're called, but I have seen them at Spencer's Gifts next 
to the plasma globes and lumiglasses.

Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
Original poster: Vladimiro Mazzilli

Hi all,
Last week I went in Miami for work and I've seen a unusual plasma lamp.
The lamp was in glass completely clear and formed as an ellissoid., I
dont' know if there was a second bulb inside. The wirling discharge
started from the base of the lamp and extingued on the glass.
I wish to know the characteristic of this lamp, if someone have seen a
similar device because I have never seen a green discharge in any gas.
On the base there were a potenciometer thath I think is useful for
regulate the level of sound when sound
play rithmic, or the frquency of P/S

Thank at all. The photo is at