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Re: New coil not working...

Original poster: "Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz" <acmdq-at-uol-dot-com.br> 

Tesla list wrote:
 > Original poster: "Greg McCoy" <gemccoy-at-nbnet.nb.ca>

 > I really hate to be stupid, but what is variac?

An autotransformer with a variable tap, so you can adjust the turns
ratio and produce an adjustable smaller voltage (in some cases greater
too) efficiently.

 > Oh, and what about O3 poisoning? I was doing some research and found out
 > it's quite dangerous in high concentrations. After running my coil for a few
 > seconds the smell is quite strong. Do Tesla Coils produce enough ozone to be
 > dangerous in that sense? should I only be running it in a well-ventelated
 > area?

Surely a health problem for anyone working with high-voltage devices.
Even small Tesla coils produce huge amounts of ozone and nitrogen oxide,
both irritant, to not say poisonous.
Even a quick exposition may leave your eyes and nose (even ears and
exposed skin) irritated for several days, and cause headaches.
Your clothes may lost the color. Your tools may rust.
This is a problem even with apparently inoffensive electrostatic
Always have good ventilation when working with high voltage.

Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz