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Re: Copper Banding?

Original poster: Kurt Schraner <k.schraner@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi David, Scott D,

well, the effect is _real_, and not a matter of words only. Let me remind a former posting, where a comparison of measured vs. calculated L values has been shown, at:


I didn't yet get an answer, explaining in easy to understand physical reasoning, about the difference. Might be, it can be interpreted, by way of a higher interturn capacitance in ribbon primaries, than "wire" spirals of the same planar geometry, counteracting the inductance?

          Kurt Schraner

Tesla list schrieb:
Original poster: "david baehr" <dfb25@xxxxxxxxxxx>

In a previouse post, it was stated that a banded pri. would have less inductance than a copper tubing pri. Could someone explain this ? IF YA got 50' of copper tubing , and 50' of banded pri. , wouldnt be about the same ????????////